The past
couple weeks have been special for us. We have had the opportunity to have family
visit us here on St. Kitts and we have enjoyed their company. You must remember
that our social life here is mainly between us and the two young elders on the
Our daughter
Melissa and son-in-law, Brady stopped by St. Kitts on their way home from the
Dominican Republic (they spent a w
eek there) the end of April. We say on their way home even though they spent the entire day trying to get here from there. We were able to show them a few places on the island – Brimstone Fort and Shipwreck Bay with its monkeys and beautiful beach. They were also able to shop for tourist stuff at Zante pier – pirate items sell well.
This last
week, Chad and Sheryl (brother and sister-in-law) came to visit and take some
R&R. Chad is a bishop and needed some time to relax – no phone service here
– it was great for him. Arrived Monday afternoon and left very early Saturday morning.
They stayed with us and at the Marriott for a couple days. Visiting the pier
and snorkeling at Shipwreck was on our agenda. Elder Costley really enjoys the
home-made cheese burgers at Shipwreck – what a treat and the best on the
island. Some branch members had suggested we take Chad & Sheryl to “Reggae
Beach” on Friday night for Lobster Fest. You have to make reservations well in
advance – which we did. It was indeed a feast and a wonderful way to end a
eek there) the end of April. We say on their way home even though they spent the entire day trying to get here from there. We were able to show them a few places on the island – Brimstone Fort and Shipwreck Bay with its monkeys and beautiful beach. They were also able to shop for tourist stuff at Zante pier – pirate items sell well.
They were
here for only a couple days but we were able to do some snorkeling while at
Shipwreck. There is a small reef along the beach and the fish and starfish are
neat to see.
After spending
only a couple days with us (sadly) they left with full suit cases to make their
way back home to Utah. It was so great to be with them.
Both sets of visitors
were introduced to a few members of our branch and spent time visiting with
them. We were so happy to have them visit us here – what a blessing for our
branch members to meet other members of the true church.
There is an
on-going open invitation for you to visit us anytime!